"Diplomas for the working class, degrees for the middle class"
"Should the nursing profession be attracting these people?"
"Only the ordinary people are holding the straining NHS service together."
"It was a tragic mistake not to incorprate state enrolled nurses into project
2000... It has been proved since that young inexperienced (cheap) care
assistants cannot replace them."
"... nurses have taken on a lot of what doctors used to do in the name
of 'professionalism'. Often this loses the essence of nursing which is about
caring and comforting"
"And on the wards, there is endless paperwork on care plans but
no time with the patient. Helpless patients no longer are being fed
properly - there is no time. Fresh water is not to hand on many
wards. Proper fluid balance, essential for hydration and patients
well being, is not being monitored."
"The change to an academic bias has caused other
problems. Many students starting nusing courses are
finding that more book learning is not what they
expected and is not what they like so the drop-out
rate on some courses is enormous. And because of
the nature of the block grant received by universities,
this drop-out rate does not affect funding. Courses
in nursing are lucrative."
"They would rather have a familiar nurse, who has had chance to
talk to them, helping to organise their discharge and liasing with the
doctors. At the same time they would like that nurse to have washed
them - she then knows about their skin and pressure areas - taken
their observations - so she can interpret them based on her knowledge
of their medical history - and helped them with their food, toileting
and tablets so she has a full picture."
"The real scandal of this New Order is that Project 2000 is an empire
created by a self serving clique. ... No matter how much evidence is presented
of the failure of graduate careerism of nursing, these people will
dig in their heels because, let us face it, turkeys do not vote for