Jobs, taxes and tax breaks
Employment friendly VAT - Kim Swales
Reforming the tax and benefit system to reduce unemployment. - David Chapman
The New Deal - Smoking without inhaling. - Kim Swales
IPPR's Green Tax Reform package - Chris Hewitt
Employment through Tax Breaks - Geoff Beacon
The New Deal
Smoking without inhaling - Kim Swales
Neighbourhood New Deal groups - Val MacLeod
Press release - Royal Economic Society
New Deal web site shoots government in foot - Kim Swales
European coordination or european coincidence? - Webmaster
Still more hills to climb - Joe Pattinson
Does training create jobs?
Jobs for hairdressers? - Geoff Beacon
Training attracts jobs to Britian - John Courouble, Predident-Elect OU Fabians
John Courouble's economic fallacy - Kim Swales
A nation of hairdressers - Nigel Allinson, Professor of Electronics, UMIST
Training and job quality - Richard Bromiley
Training, employment and a case of Bollinger - Kim Swales
No engagement at the Treasury - Kim Swales
Testing Kim Swales' prize - Faxfn stringers
Press release - The Economic Journal
European action plans: coordination or coincidence? - Webmaster
Education, Unemploment and Discontent in Algiers - Steve Cox
Creating jobs through pleasure
Let's all go down the Strand - Faxfn Stringers
The Future of Work
"Is it still true that everyone has the right and duty to work? Should we tolerate low pay and poor conditions if that enables more people towork? Is full employment still a realistic and appropriate objective today?"
Unemployment and the Future of Work - Church Action on Poverty